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    Clip of the day

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    Tags added to Poz's profile from this clip:

    Creating editorial guidelines
    Creating structure
    Creating visual design guidelines

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    Paying it forward

    Shout out to the leaders that are lifting their network UP!

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    The ability to see talent in people that is not obvious

    Jeff Scott

    Founder & Principal Consultant @ ITA Consulting Group

    Riley Long

    Talent Leader (ex Dollar Shave Club, DogVacay, Joymode)

    Steve Raymond

    CEO @ Prism Labs

    Someone who finds a way even when there are very few resources and not much time

    Tal Halpern

    Advisor @ Frankly Apparel

    Sarah Kuntsal

    Head of Product Marketing @ Groundswell. Pizza roll addict.

    Maggie Shih

    Product Leader with Change and Transformation Expertise | 2x Startup Exits | Former Cofounder | X-Criteo, Yahoo

    Developing comprehensive, scalable design frameworks

    Aldo Padilla

    Experience Design – Founding team @ allUp

    Jeff Ham

    Designer / Developer @ allUP

    Ethan Gromet

    Lead Experience Designer

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    Fractional Chief of Staff & BizOps Consultant

    Known for

    Department go-to expert
    Chief of Staff
    Built profitable business

    πŸ’― 100 views



    Sr Strategic Program Manager

    Known for

    Sales enablement
    Facilities management
    Launched something



    Product Manager

    Known for

    Team lead
    Training others
    Doubled productivity


    NurtiShop USA

    Lead Product Marketing Manager

    Known for

    Team lead
    Sales enablement
    Launched something

    πŸ”₯ 50 views


    NAX Group

    Head of Innovation

    Known for

    Engineering leader
    Business development
    Launched something

    πŸ“ˆ 25 views


    Seasons Journaling for iOS

    App Entrepreneur

    Known for

    Setting revenue goals
    Manage P&L
    Did the work of a full team

    πŸ”₯ 50 views



    VP Operations

    Known for

    Goal setting
    Drove cost savings
    Business transformation

    πŸ“ˆ 25 views



    Sr. Director of Engineering

    Known for

    Engineering leader
    Goal setting
    Started a company

    πŸ“ˆ 25 views


    Amazon Music

    Programmig and Production Manager

    Known for

    Creator success
    Onboarding creators
    New department



    Engineering Manager

    Known for

    Engineering leader
    Got acquired
    Customer focus

    πŸ’― 100 views
